Košík Košík je prázdny

Archív roku 2018

webinar 11.10

Vážení učitelia, vážení lektori,

pozývame Vás na ďalšie nami organizovaných seminárov. Pri webinári na tému To Teach or Not To Teach sa zameriame na výučbu slovnej zásoby. Tento webinár je svojím obsahom určený pre všetkých učiteľov a lektorov angličtiny. Webinár je pre Vás, našich zákazníkov, zadarmo.

11. 10. 2018 od 18:00 do 19:00
Kdekoľvek s pripojením k internetu
na tému

To Teach or Not To Teach 

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Mgr. Radka Malá: "Should I pre-teach difficult vocabulary or should I let my students guess from context? Should I group related words or should I teach them as they come along? Should I prepare a list of specific phrases I want my students to learn and remember or should I let them choose what they want to take away from the lesson? To teach or not to teach vocabulary in a structured way? In this workshop, we’ll explore the benefits of both vocabulary-teaching approaches using Gold New Edition and Gold Experience 2nd Edition to see what works best for you and your students. Be ready to try out some practical activities as well as to share best practices."

Target group: Teens, Adults

Viac informácii o lektorke nájdete TU.

Slovak Ventures s.r.o

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