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Archív roku 2020



Kvôli súčasnej situácii u nás a vo svete sme zmenili koncept našej konferencie Pearson EduTour, ktorá sa mala konať v apríli v Bratislave. Nechceme Vás o konferencii pripraviť, preto sme sa jej rozhodli previesť do online prostredia! Vďaka tejto zmene konceptu môžeme pripravený program ponúknuť aj tým, ktorí by sa inak na bratislavskú konferenciu nedostali. Online konferencia sa uskutoční vo forme Vami obľúbených webinárov a to 18. - 19. marca a 2. - 3. apríla.

Celá akcia je zadarmo.




Ventures Books a Pearson v spolupráci s Ekonomickou univerzitou v Bratislave si Vás dovoľujú pozvať na 5. ročník obľúbeného Pearson EduTour.

Konferencia sa uskutoční v piatok 3. apríla 2020 v priestoroch Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave. Brány konferencie budú pre Vás otvorené od 8:30. Je určená pre všetkých učiteľov a lektorov, ktorí sa chcú ďalej vzdelávať a zlepšovať svoje lektorské schopnosti. V priebehu konferencie sa tak môžete tešiť na zaujímavé semináre od tuzemských aj zahraničných lektorov, ktorí Vás prevedú aktuálnymi trendmi zo sveta ELT.

Nezabudnite sa registrovať, aby ste si zaistili svoje miesto!




Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave

Dolnozemská cesta 1, Bratislava





Na čo sa môžete na konferencii okrem zaujímavých seminárov tešiť?

  • Konferenčnú tašku obsahujúcu učebnicu
  • Občerstvenie
  • Certifikát o účasti
  • Možnosť výhry v tombole


Video pozvánky

Danka Sekerková

Radka Malá


Anotácia seminárov

Shifting goals and Changing focus

(Philip Warwick, Pearson)

9:40 - 10:30, For All 

They often say that 21st century students are being taught by 20th century teachers in 19th century buildings according to  18th century principles, and now that almost 20% of the 21stcentury is over maybe it's time to reflect on how much our teaching has really changed and how much it is just a digital copy of the same thing we've been doing for years. Here we will consider what the future of ELT holds and how we should change our perspectives to offer a viable future for our profession.

English Language – a Tool for Learning

(Danka Sekerková, Pearson/Ventures Books)

11:00 - 11:50, For Primary School Teachers 

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is sometimes wrongly believed to be used to teach some other subjects via English language, which is only one aspect of this method. Underlying principles of CLIL, its strengths as well as weaknesses are going to be introduced during the seminar. Moreover, you are going to see examples of CLIL activities and ready-made handouts will be prepared for you.  

Personalisation with upper-secondary learners: pitfalls and solutions

(Daniel Brayshaw, Pearson)

11:00 - 11:50, For Upper-Secondary School Teachers 

Most of us will agree that a pinch of personalisation is an important ingredient in a successful, modern foreign language programme. Drawing on our students’ experiences as the context for language learning helps facilitate social interaction, encourages memorisation, and allows space for empathy and creativity in our classrooms. However, a student-led approach is not without its risks and challenges, so in this practical and informative session we will look at solutions to common pitfalls and try out some time-saving ideas for activities that draw on our students’ individual experiences as a context for the exploration of new language. The session will be informed by ideas and activities from Pearson’s new upper-secondary course, High Note, which was co-authored by the presenter.

Mentoring and Moulding the Modern Teenager

(Philip Warwick, Pearson)

12:40 - 13:30, For Primary School Teachers 

The days when language learning was just a memory exercise are long gone, we don’t need to create a generation of producers when we have machines that can do it far better than us. Instead we need to foster the creative, nurture the communicative and grow the individual. This is no mean feat, and in order to equip our students with the skills they need to succeed in the modern world, we should use materials that focus on life and career competencies that not only help the students pass exams but also transfer into the workplace and their future lives.

Using Authentic Materials with Teens

(Radka Malá, Pearson/Ventures Books)

12:30 - 13:30, For Upper-Secondary School Teachers

Authentic material in ESL lessons for teenagers? Motivating, fun, meaningful! And… tricky. In this workshop, we’ll talk about how to choose and work with the right videos and vocabulary so that your students are hooked and take something away from the experience, using the new High Note and Focus 2nd edition series. Roll your sleeves up and get ready to try out some practical activities yourself!

Be Motivated and Motivate

(Danka Sekerková, Pearson/Ventures Books)

14:00 - 14:50, For All 

“Being a teacher is a mission” and being a motivated teacher is a challenge. As the years of teaching pass, the motivation might gradually fade away. In the closing session, we are going to look at how to maintain our own motivation in professional life, as well as tips, strategies and skills for reflective teaching. All the above - mentioned will be discussed while bearing in mind that a motivated teacher is the key to successful students´ learning.



Philip Warwick (PEARSON)

Philip is a qualified teacher trainer who has been involved in language teaching for over 20 years, working in many countries including Brazil, China, Italy and Argentina. He is currently Director of Teaching for a private language school in the Czech Republic and Academic Co-ordinator for Embassy Summer schools in the UK. He is a speaking examiner for international exams and has taught on several CELTA courses and regularly delivers presentations for Pearson.


Daniel Brayshaw (PEARSON)

Dan has been involved in language education since 2001 and during that time has taught students of every age and level. He has worked in Europe, Asia and Australia and, as well as teaching, has been an examiner, academic manager, director of studies and teacher trainer. In recent years, Dan has delivered teacher training sessions globally and has written or co-authored several student books and workbooks for adult and upper-secondary students. When not working Dan is a keen snowboarder, nature-lover and music fan.


Danka Sekerková (Ventures Books)

Danka studied English and French at the Educational Faculty of Charles University and she already began teaching both languages during her studies. She has 12 years of work experience of teaching in-company courses. She worked 2 years as a language auditor, then as an ELT methodologist and now she is back to teaching at lower secondary school in Banská Bystrica. She has achieved the best results in teaching while applying the following methods: an individual approach to each student taking into consideration his/her language aptitude; using ITC technologies, CLIL methodology and Formative Assessment.

Danka foto

Radka Malá (Ventures Books)

Radka has been teaching foreign languages for over ten years, gaining experience in a wide range of classes for special purposes and with all age groups. She now specialises in teaching professional English to adults and utilising her lifelong passion: technology and video in the classroom. As a teacher trainer and conference speaker, she follows the same principles as a language teacher; activate your students, make the session meaningful and have fun! She is also the author of additional material in the Lifestyle and Next Move series of textbooks. Radka’s educational background includes a Master’s degree in English and Italian from Charles University, Prague.



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