Archív roku 2021

webinar 17 2 2021 web


Vážení učitelia a lektori anglického jazyka,

srdečne Vás pozývame na náš webinár na tému Pronunciation: the Cinderella of ELT. Zameriame sa v ňom na praktické aktivity a tipy, ako zaradiť precvičovanie výslovnosti do hodín angličtiny.


17. 2. 2021 od 18:00 do 19:00
Kdekoľvek s pripojením k internetu
Na tému
Pronunciation: the Cinderella of ELT
Secondary Teachers

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 Mgr. Barbora Míková: "There is no doubt that pronunciation is one of the most challenging yet significant aspects of a language. It is often neglected and disconnected from the other areas of ELT, such as vocabulary, grammar etc., and that is why it is often referred to as ‘the Cinderella of ELT’. Teaching pronunciation might sometimes seem intimidating to both the teacher and the students, however, it can be enjoyable and very beneficial. In this session I’m going to give you practical tips on how to smoothly incorporate pronunciation practice into your English classes for lower- and upper-secondary students."

Target group: Secondary Teachers

Viac informácií o lektorke nájdete TU.


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