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Archív roku 2021

webinar 20 10 2021 web


Vážení učitelia a lektori anglického jazyka,

srdečne Vás pozývame na pokračovanie webinárov. Tentoraz sa stretnete s Radkou Malou, ktorá si pre Vás pripravila webinár s názvom Challenge Your Students (And Yourself). Spoločne sa pozrieme na to, ako sa vrátiť ku koreňom výučby a zaistiť, aby študenti z Vašich lekcií vyťažili maximum.


20. 10. 2021 od 18:00 do 19:00
Kdekoľvek s pripojením k internetu
Na tému
Challenge Your Students (And Yourself)
Upper secondary school teachers


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Mgr. Radka Malá: "Entertainer? Motivation coach? Online talking head? Whatever teaching role you recognise yourself in, we’re going to have a look at how to get back to the roots of teaching and make sure your students take the most away from your lessons. We’re going to talk about how to maximise your students’ learning potential, handle error correction and use ‘fat’ vocabulary building activities. Be ready to reconsider some of your beliefs and sit a short demo lesson to experience first-hand how it feels to be challenged. Demand more and become the teacher again!"

Target group: Upper secondary school teachers

Viac informácií o lektorke nájdete TU.

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