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Archív roku 2022

Product presentation

Kde: Online
Na tému: Focus on Success In and Out of the Classroom
Pre: Upper-secondary teachers
Typ akcie: Produktová prezentácia
Dátum: 21.04.2022
Čas: 18:00 - 19:00


Vážení učitelia a lektori anglického jazyka,

srdečne Vás pozývame na produktovú prezentáciu s názvom Focus on Success In and Out of the Classroom, ktorá Vám predstaví učebnicu Focus 2nd Edition (viac informácií TU) a zároveň prinesie rôzne tipy, ako učebnicu naplno využiť. Prezentácia je v českom jazyku a je určená pre učiteľov stredných škôl.

Účastníci webinára môžu získať vzorku učebnice zadarmo.



"Focus Second Edition is an even richer version of the best-selling English language learning series for upper secondary students. The new course retains the best of the first edition – a unique vocabulary building programme and the 3Ms methodology. It enhances this with authentic video content, including BBC videos and Focus vlogs, and more thorough Use of English preparation. With Focus Second Edition students will be motivated and engaged by the relatable content; they will be strong in all language and life skills. This session is going to explore all the different features that Focus Second Edition offers to help your students achieve true success, whether in their exams, or in their future academic, professional and social lives."

Vlasta Dohnalová

Vlasta Dohnalová

Metodik/ odborný konzultant pre AJ
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