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Archív roku 2023

Product presentation

Kde: Online
Na tému: Set for learning, set for life in the Wider World
Pre: Secondary school teachers
Typ akcie: Produktová prezentácia
Dátum: 30.03.2023
Čas: 18:00 - 19:00

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srdečne vás pozývame na produktovú prezentáciu, kde vám predstavíme učebnicu Wider World 2nd edition (viac informácií TU).  Naša metodička vám ukáže jej možnosti a rada zodpovie vaše otázky.

Účastníci webinára môžu získať vzorku učebnice zadarmo.



Wider World 2nd edition is a new edition of Pearson‘s most popular lower-secondary course that prepares teenagers for future life and educational challenges. BBC video content of the course covers a huge diversity of life and culture, exposes learners to authentic English, and helps them to build communicative competence. The Set for Life program helps learners to develop the skills they need to enjoy their social lives, and succeed in their studies and future careers. A wide range of support materials enables teachers to adapt their teaching to the needs of individual students, whatever their ability, so every student can achieve their highest potential and flourish in their lives ahead." 

Judita Tóthová

Judita Tóthová

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