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Archív roku 2024

Online conference

Kde: Online
Na tému: Pearson EduOnline 2024: Back to School
Pre: All teachers
Typ akcie: Online konferencia
Dátum: 28.08.2024
Čas: 15:45 - 19:00

Na stiahnutie:


Pearson Eduonline 23

V mene Ventures Books vás pozývame na konferenciu

Pearson Eduonline 2024: Back to School


Vážení učitelia a lektori,

chcete sa po prázdninách naladiť na nový školský rok? Rovnako, ako v minulých rokoch, sme pre vás pripravili online konferenciu Pearson EduOnline 2023: Back to School, ktorá sa uskutoční vo forme vami obľúbených webinárov v termíne 28. augusta 2024. Semináre sú určené pre všetkých učiteľov a lektorov, ktorí sa chcú ďalej vzdelávať a zlepšovať svoje lektorské schopnosti.

Tešiť sa môžete na zahraničných lektorov, ktorí vás prevedú aktuálnymi trendami zo sveta ELT a na produktové prezentácie našich lektoriek. 


Program EduOnline 2024


Videopozvánka Jeanne Perrett


Videopozvánka Ken Beatty


 Anotácie webinárov

green line 

Top Ten Teaching Tips

(Jeanne Perrett, Pearson)

 For Primary and Secondary Teachers 

In this session we will look at ten important concepts and see how we can transform them into activities which can be easily implemented in our primary classes. We’ll think about notions such as motivation, expectation, surprise, expansion, and then break them down into useful, interesting teaching ideas, using some examples from iSucceed and My Disney Stars and Heroes.  

What's New with Pearson and Ventures Books

(Judita Tóthová, Kateřina Myšáková a Lenka Nováková, Ventures Books)

 For All Teachers 

Join our online session to explore the latest news with Pearson and Ventures Books and discover what awaits us in the upcoming school year!

Artificial Intelligence: Shinning Light in the Language Classroom

(Dr Ken Beaty, Pearson) 

 For All Teachers 

In 1801, the first blackboard increased student centredness as a side effect of allowing students to share their written work and drawings on a wall-mounted slate, visible to all. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the latest in a long list of educational technologies to impact the classroom, often in unexpected ways.  

Each new educational technology shines a light on previous ways of teaching and learning languages, often raising questions: Do video lessons hamper notetaking and require less imagination than simply listening? Does it matter that keyboarding diminishes handwriting skills? How can phone apps supplement classroom learning? AI’s innovative tools and practices similarly need to be interrogated in terms of their benefits and limitations. This talk gives an overview of AI in language education and shares best practices of how teachers and students can use AI to explore new paradigms and complement traditional approaches, particularly in localizing and personalizing content.   

Dr. Ken Beatty

Dr. Ken Beatty

PEARSON / Anaheim University Professor and Writer
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Judita Tóthová

Judita Tóthová

Metodik/ odborný konzultant pre AJ
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Kateřina Myšáková

Kateřina Myšáková

Metodik/ odborný konzultant pre AJ
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Lenka Nováková

Lenka Nováková

Metodik/ odborný konzultant pre AJ
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