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Archív roku 2021






Vážení učitelia a lektori,

keďže sa s Vami ani túto jar nemôžeme žiaľ stretnúť osobne na niektorej z našich konferencií, pripravili sme pre Vás online konferenciu Pearson EduOnline 2021, ktorá sa uskutoční vo forme Vami obľúbených webinárov v termíne 7. a 8. apríla 2021. Semináre sú určené pre všetkých učiteľov a lektorov, ktorí sa chcú ďalej vzdelávať a zlepšovať svoje lektorské schopnosti. Môžete sa tešiť na zahraničných lektorov, ktorí Vás oboznámia s aktuálnymi trendami zo sveta ELT a na produktové prezentácie našich lektoriek. Na podrobný program sa pozrite nižšie, kde zároveň nájdete aj možnosť registrácie.



7.4. - 8.4.

pripojte sa online kdekoľvek zadarmo





  • Odkaz na registráciu nájdete vždy pod programom na daný deň.
  • Registrácia je na celý vybraný deň. Záleží na Vás, kedy sa pripojíte.
  • Pri registrácii vyplňte potrebné informácie. Následne Vám príde potvrdzovací e-mail (skontrolujte aj zložku "spam").
  • Pre prístup do webinárovej miestnosti v deň konania stačí len kliknúť v potvrdzovacom e-maily na tlačidlo "Access webinar", tento prístup je iba pre Vás a nemôže sa naň pripojiť naraz viac počítačov.




April 7th

15:45 - 16:00 WELCOME and INTRODUCTION
16:00 - 17:00 WEBINAR 1

Harry Waters

Reading, Writing, Fun. In that Order

17.00 - 17:15 BREAK
17:15 - 18:00 WEBINAR 2

Judita Tóthová

Product Presentation - GoGetter

18:00 RAFFLE



April 8th

15:45 - 16:00 WELCOME and INTRODUCTION
16.00 - 17.00 WEBINAR 1

Rachael Roberts 

The gift of growth mindset

17:00 - 17:15 BREAK
17:15 - 18:00 WEBINAR  2

Zuzana Pohlová

Product Presentation - High Note

18:00 RAFFLE



Anotácie webinárov

Reading, Writing, Fun. In that Order

(Harry Waters, Pearson)

 For Lower-Secondary School Teachers    For Upper-Secondary School Teachers 

In today's session we're going to look at a few ways of engaging our students in two of the skills they seem to find most difficult. Read and Writing. Recent studies show that trends are changing. As little as 7 years ago Reading was seen as the easiest skill to master both in class and in exams. This has changed dramatically with attention spans shortening and reading anything longer than a post on instagram seeming like a 1000 page novel. We're going to look at a few ways to connect students to reading so it isn't such a monumental task. We also take a look at breaking down the writing section to make it a little more appealing to our students, who tend to write more than they really know. The final secion of the webinar will focus on fun. There are three low prep activities that will help your students improve their vocabulary and thus aid their read, writing and, of course, speaking. You're going to be leaving today with a whole host of ideas ready made for your classes next week.

Product Presentation - GoGetter

(Judita Tóthová, Ventures Books)

 For Lower-Secondary School Teachers   Product Presentation

GoGetter is an innovative, engaging and easy to understand textbook for young teenagers. It provides educational solutions focused on motivation, inspiration and development of young minds and helps them to become go-getters.

The gift of growth mindset

(Rachael Roberts, Pearson)

 For Upper-Secondary School Teachers 

Learning to walk is not easy. Most children fall over plenty of times. But they rarely tell themselves that this is because they aren’t good at walking, or that they’ll never learn to walk so they may as well not try.

Teenagers, however, tell themselves this kind of thing all the time. They have lost the natural confidence and motivation to learn they had at primary school, and additionally, they are worried about losing ‘face’ in front of their peers.

If we can help our students to shift out of this kind of ‘fixed’ mindset and allow themselves to see challenges and even mistakes as a positive thing, we are giving them a gift which will help them to gain motivation, a sense of control over their own learning and ultimately greater success in school, and in later life.

In this session we will explore practical ideas and activities to help students shift their mindset, take responsibility and build self-confidence. 

Product Presentation - High Note

(Zuzana Pohlová, Ventures Books)

 For Upper-Secondary School Teachers   Product Presentation

High Note is an intensive course for upper-secondary students. It equips students with language skills alongside the life and career competencies that are indispensable to succeed in exams, in the workplace and in their future lives. High Note is unique for its video package or Life Skills development programme which includes academic, career-related, or personal development skills. This workshop is an opportunity to find out more about this completely new course for ambitious students and ambitious teachers.



Harry Waters (PEARSON)

Not only is Harry a Pearson and BBC Live Class trainer but is also the spokesperson for the Pearsona and BBC sustainability campaign "Speak Out for Sustainability."  Added to this he is the creator of Renewable English, a free online climate chage awareness course. He has been in ELT for almost 15 years and has taught on 4 different continents. He settled down in Spain about 10 years ago where he lives with his family and dog. He is a lover of language, flags, socks and outragous shirts. When he's not researching how to save the planet or seeing where a word came from he can be found riding his bike around the village and playing Extreme Petanque.... usually whilst wearing an outragous shirt. 


 Rachael Roberts (PEARSON)

Since 1989 Rachael Roberts has worked in Portugal, Brazil, Poland and the UK as an ELT teacher, teacher trainer, manager and materials writer. She is also a qualified life, career and business coach for ELT professionals. 


rachael roberts

Judita Tóthová (Ventures Books)

Judita studied at the Faculty of Education in Nitra English language and Geography. During her nearly 30 years of practice, she worked as a teacher in primary, secondary and language schools and as a lecturer of corporate language courses as well. She also collaborated with the National Institute for Education on English language teacher training courses. She works as an ELT consultant for Slovak Ventures company.


Zuzana Pohlová (Ventures Books)

Zuzana studied English and Mathematics at the University of Ostrava. After graduation, she started to work as a teacher of English. Her responsibilities included the teaching of English at all levels, advising the students on study materials and planning the programme of courses. She also worked as a senior teacher, which involved other teachers classroom observations and subsequent consultation and evaluation of their work as well as preparation of workshops on methodology and learning styles. Now Zuzana works as a methodological consultant for Ventures Books. 





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